Monday, July 5, 2010

Baby Wearing ..loving it!!

Ilham Najihah in Nojo 'The Original Sling'

Never thought baby wearing is going to be so fun and very addictive. I encountered baby wearing term when searching  the net on breastfeeding sites. The idea of baby wearing just fascinate me and I decided to give it a go. In a glance , baby sling looks very similar to the frontpack we have. The first time we used our frontpack was when my daughter was 6 weeks old. Born at 2.5 kg so, when we put her in the frontpack, we can barely see her tiny head. Since then, I scouted around for other ways of carrying babies.

At first I wasn't convince that babywearing is for me.Well looking at video demonstrations and holding your baby trying to fit her into a sling are two different things. After all,at that time my baby was so tiny. I was afraid that putting her in sling might crush her fragile body. Needed help but there wasn't any baby wearing group around for me to refer to.So back to the www and then I found out about slingbabies. The website had  increased my  eagerness towards babywearing. That night I slept late to study every aspects of baby wearing, different type of baby carriers. etc.I got my first sling off trademe for $25. It was Nojo brand like-new condition. However, I'm a bit frustrated since this sling was not as I expected. It true the padding give extra support and spread the weight but it is too bulky for me. I reckon it well suited for bigger frame person.But this had not deter  me from trying to wear my baby.

Nojo Sling - all cotton with padding for more comfort..

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